India is among the bottom five countries on the 'Environmental Performance Index 2018', plummeting 36 points from 141 in 2016, according to a biennial report by Yale and Columbia Universities along with the World Economic Forum. While India is at the bottom of the list in the environmental health category, it ranks 178 out of 180 as far as air quality is concerned. India’s low scores are influenced by poor performance in the environmental health policy objective. Despite government action, pollution from solid fuels, coal and crop residue burning and emissions from motor vehicles continue to severely degrade the air quality for millions of Indians.
Our focus is on ensuring equitable and sustainable management of natural resources, improved disposal of waste, climate change and specifically fulfilment of Sustainable Development Goals specifically, the goals focusing on clean water & sanitation, affordable & clean energy, sustainable cities & communities, climate action, life on land. We work across five different broad areas, using applied research to help rural communities reduce their vulnerabilities to climatic and non-climatic risks.
Our focus area
Management of Water Resources Water has been a key natural resource. Due to growing population and unsustainable usage, it has been dwindling this precious resource. At this juncture not only it is wise and judicious of the water resource is required but also the conservation is the need of the hour today. We are dedicated to transform the lives of millions across India in participatory water resource management, adaptive sustainable agriculture and climate change adaptation, with a special emphasis on water resource conservation in urban and rural areas through several water harvesting structure and methodologies.
Solid Waste Management The collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of solid wastes, particularly wastes generated in medium and large urban centres, have become a relatively difficult problem to solve for those responsible for their management. The problem is even more acute in economically developing countries like ours, where financial, human, and other critical resources generally are scarce. The characteristics and quantity of the solid waste generated in a region is not only a function of the living standard and lifestyle of the region's inhabitants, but also of the abundance and type of the region's natural resources. Therefore, we provide ways on how we can manage the problem of municipal solid waste. We aim to management through composting, bio-digesters, pyrolytic, incinerators, segregation etc.
Alternative energy development We implement social, financial and technical innovations. We leverage impact through partnerships. We serve poor communities via social innovation, ecosystem building and incubation using sustainable replicable energy solutions as a catalyst.
Climate smart agricultural practices We explore feasible, impactful solutions and technology enabled interface that could train the marginalized groups in rural-urban spaces on climate smart agricultural practices to risk proof it from the climate vagaries. Interventions to improve livelihood opportunities include encouraging farmers to adopt scientific methods to improve their yields and reduce the input cost in an environmentally sustainable ways.